10 chapters that will change your life
chapter #8 will reveal the step by step formula to 10X your life

Based on a true story

Learn the secrets to health, wealth, happiness, wisdom and love.

Get to know who i am and how it all started
and take advantage of the amazing offer at the end of the video.

World Class Mentors

Tarek Haddad with Dan Peña in London Real Summit
Dan Peña | London real summit
Tarek Haddad with Bob Practor
The legend Bob Practor
Brian Rose | London real TV host

***** Amazon 5 Stars Reviews *****

In this book I will reveal the secrets I learned from all my mentors.

In this book you will learn from Tarek Haddad an immigrant who came to Canada with no money and no friends support or help .

Our Blogs

The reason why I wrote Rich Mind Poor Mind Book

  • If you are tired of being lost and having no focus!!!

  • If you need to change and you need that push of inspiration

  • If you want more in life and you don’t know how to get it.

  • If you want to 10 x your business

  • If you want the formula to success

  • If you find it hard to wake up early in the morning and you need that motivation

This book is for you

Rich mond poor mind book

Using the Law of attraction in action !