The Law of Attraction
Why it Hasn’t Worked For You And
The Hidden Secrets to Unleashing its Power

The Law of Attraction
Why it Hasn’t Worked For You And
The Hidden Secrets to Unleashing its Power


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Tarek Haddad


Tarek Haddad is a remarkable individual who has overcome numerous challenges to become a successful businessman, singer, and entrepreneur. He started his life from scratch in Jordan and worked hard to establish several successful companies, including Smith Metal Works LTD, Websiteroof Inc., and Tarek Haddad Holdings Inc. Despite facing poverty and hardship, Tarek never lost sight of his dreams and used his determination and hard work to turn them into a reality. Today, he stands as a shining star in the business world and is a source of inspiration to many…..

How can you?

– Overcome Your fears

– Have a clear picture of your goals

– Change the path of your life

– Follow your passion and enjoy your life

– Start your business

– Create wealth and have an abundance of money consistently flowing to you

– Find the love of your life or rekindle the connection in your relationship

– Have the body and health you desire

– Transform bad habits into positive daily actions

– Be inspired to take action

– Remain focused

– Eliminate negativity from your life

– Be connected to your spiritual mission

– Achieve health, wealth, happiness, wisdom and love

– And much, much more

Are You Using The Law of Attraction Correctly?

“Whatever the mind can conceive, it can achieve”

-W. Clement Stone

Simply put, The Law of Attraction says that you will attract into your life whatever you focus on. Whatever you give your energy and attention to will come back to you.

So, if you focus on the positive things in life, you’ll attract more positivity. 

If you focus on negative things in life, you’ll attract more negativity.

BUT, either way, it is your actions that will determine your outcomes.

The reason The Law of Attraction isn’t working for you is because you have to use The Law of Action with The Law of Attraction.

It seems simple, doesn’t it?

Well, if it was so simple then everyone would be doing it by now.

I’m going to show you the secrets to using the Law of Attraction with the Law of Action so that you actually get what you want.

The Law of Action is the difference between those who have manifested their dreams into reality and those who have not.

You need the Law of Attraction – without it, you will only create negative outcomes.

But, without the Law of Action, the Law of Attraction is simply wishful thinking.

You can’t live your life without action.

Every action has a result. Nothing happens in a vacuum and in order for you to achieve any result, you must perform an action.

But not just any action. You must know how to put The Law of Action into effect in your life – the right way. Otherwise it won’t work.

If you don’t apply The Law of Action, you’ll still not have everything you truly desire.




Using the Law of Attraction PLUS The Law of Action means you will create the life of your dreams and live the life you deserve.

Overcome your struggles and unleash your full potential. 

Once you understand the Law of Action you can easily apply it to the Law of Attraction.

It begins by acting now and clicking the link to access your free copy of my book.


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Here’s Why The Law of Attraction Hasn’t Worked For You – Yet

By now you know how the Law of Attraction works.

Or so you thought.

You’ve been trying for years to apply the Law of Attraction principles and you’re still not where you want to be in life and you haven’t gotten all you desire.

The Law of Attraction is the belief that the universe creates and provides for you that which your thoughts are focused on.

“Like attracts like” they say.

Think good things and good things will come your way.

But you’ve been practicing positive thinking, saying affirmations, created your vision board of all your hopes and desires, and still…


You’ve been trying to manifest your thoughts into things by believing that you’ve already accomplished your goal.

Yet you still haven’t achieved it.

And when you look around you, everybody seems to be getting what they want using the Law of Attraction.

Well-known and inspiring leaders have shared how they use it every day.

Bob Proctor, Joe Vitale, Joe Dispenza, Tony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey, and many others.

So, what do they know about The Law of Attraction that you don’t?

There’s a very important aspect that is used which separates the “Have’s” from the “Have-Not’s”.

This is why some people get what they want using The Law of Attraction – and why you haven’t got what you want – Yet.

Stop wasting your time, money, and energy on using The Law of Attraction incorrectly.

You can use the Law of Attraction to get what you want…

Once you know-how.

I’m going to share with you exactly what you need to do, starting today, to apply the Law of Attraction properly so you can create the life you deserve.

Unleash your true potential, take action, and create your future exactly how you want it.

Bob Practor

Bob Proctor

We are born rich but we don’t know it, you have to study this book as it has the answers to how to unlock your riches within

Raymond Aaron

Raymond Aaron

Rich mind poor mind is an inspiring and motivating way to knowledge the law of attraction and amplify its impact on your life.

Dan Peña

Dan Peña

Applying the law of attraction and action in the London real summit October 2019

Hello, I’m Tarek Haddad.

My Struggles Are Your Opportunity at Success.

If you live in the Middle East and you’re under the age of 40 then your chances of getting a visa to the Land of Freedom – the West, are near impossible.

I dreamed of migrating to Canada so I could have freedom of speech, access to better healthcare, the chance to build a business and a better life – To live with freedom and without fear.

Against all odds, and many attempts, that dream finally became a reality on May 25, 2007.

So, how did I do it?

Using The Law of Attraction.

My journey with The Law of Attraction started in 2006 when a friend introduced me to the movie, The Secret.

I couldn’t believe what I had found – The actual secret that would get me out of the Middle East and into the Land of Freedom.

But, I soon realised there was a special ingredient you absolutely HAVE to apply in The Law of Attraction for it to work.

Because just thinking good thoughts and using visualisation doesn’t get you what you want in life.

There is a key aspect to The Law of Attraction that most people aren’t using.

It’s the difference between those who get what they want by using the Law of Attraction, and those who don’t.

I began my journey in Canada being broke, in debt of more than $10,000 and being on welfare to now having built several successful businesses that I run and living my dream of helping others.

I now share my knowledge based on my personal experience of the Law of Attraction as well as what people like Bob Proctor has personally shared with me about creating the life of your dreams.

My book is my gift to you as my Thank You to the Universe for revealing its secrets to me.

“You must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from. Your only limit is your soul”

-Walt Disney 


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“The more you learn, the more you earn” -Warren Buffett

What is the Law of attraction?

Your life is a reflection of your own beliefs and mindset.

If you change the inside, then the outside will follow.

Once you start changing the inside, then you can change so many beliefs that aren’t serving you and start believing in new ones.

The Law of Action complements the Law of Attraction.

There are 6 foundational steps to The Law of Action that will determine your outcomes in life.

Once you learn these you’ll be in complete control. 

In “Rich Mind Poor Mind” I show you exactly how to create the right strategy so that in just 30-days you’ll be using The Law of Attraction to actually work for you and finally transform your life.

Using The Law of Attraction + The Law of Action = Your Success.


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The Law of Attraction AND The Law of Action

In Action!

Tarek Haddad with Dan Peña in London Real Summit

How I used the Law of Attraction and The Law of Action to give Dan Pena a gift – even though moments beforehand he said he never accepts gifts from anyone!

Watch this video to find out how.

This is the power of the Law of Attraction and The Law of Action.

Why I want to share this book with you for FREE

Well, there are actually three reasons…

  1. To send the elevator back down and say thank you for my life – success doesn’t come easy and no one achieves their dreams on their own. 


 2. Because the “guru’s” lie – standing in front of their rented sports cars telling you that you can use their “press button to riches” system and be a millionaire overnight. It takes work  I want to show you the truth.


 3. I love to help – my hope is you’ll love this book and use it to change your life if you want to connect with me, I’d love to see how I can help you further.

This book is your roadmap to success that will shave years off your life trying to figure it on your own, and save you time, money and energy being put in places that don’t work.


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This book is free. I’ll pay for the book, I simply ask you help cover the cost of shipping and we’ll send it to you.

Rich mind poor mind book

“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right” - Henry Ford

It’s Time to Act
Are you ready to create the life of your dreams and have everything you truly deserve?

It starts now by taking ACTION.

The universe loves speed and certainty. By taking action now, you’re taking a step closer towards getting what you want.

If you’re tired of worrying and feeling fearful of the future, uncertain what is coming next and not feeling in control, then this book is for you.

If you want a different result you have to take a different action. 

What ever happiness means to you!


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Tarek Haddad


Tarek Haddad is a remarkable individual who has overcome numerous challenges to become a successful businessman, singer, and entrepreneur. He started his life from scratch in Jordan and worked hard to establish several successful companies, including Smith Metal Works LTD, Websiteroof Inc., and Tarek Haddad Holdings Inc. Despite facing poverty and hardship, Tarek never lost sight of his dreams and used his determination and hard work to turn them into a reality. Today, he stands as a shining star in the business world and is a source of inspiration to many…..