How to use the law of action.
Rich Mind Poor Mind Book
Get Your FREE Copy Now! It Revels How To Achieve Your Goals Using
Rich Mind Poor Mind Book
Get Your FREE Copy Now! It Revels How To Achieve Your Goals Using

Bob Proctor

Raymond Aaron

Dan Peña
What is the Law of attraction?
In this book I share my personal experience applying the law of attraction.
What does that mean to you!!
People have been saying the Law of attraction doesn’t work !!
My question will be:
Are you using it correctly?
Lots of stars have been applying the law of attraction and it has been proven over and over that it really works.

There is a special formula to use the law of attraction effectively.
Rich mind and a poor mind will show you exactly how I used the law of attraction so many times in different parts of my life and this book will be a true inspiration to you.
This book will teach you:
- step by step how to use the law of attraction to achieve your dreams to come to reality.
- I share with you real life stories that guide you exactly how to use this law.
- I share life, business and personal achievements that could be done using this law.
- You will have the whole Secret in one place no missing information.
- This book will change the way you think.
- This book will guide you with a very simple proven method that it works.
The Law of Attraction simply says that you will attract into your life whatever you focus on. Whatever you give your energy and attention to will come back to you.
So, if you stay focused on the good and positive things in your life, you will attract more positivity. If you focus upon negativity, then that is what will be attracting.
Using the law attraction in business

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Why did we choose to use Dreams catcher for our website?
The story of the Native American legend inspired us to use the word dreams catcher as our motivational website. We will help you how to be a dreams catcher.
“All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.” -T. E. Lawrence
What is the meaning of dreams catcher?
It is said that good dreams will come along if you hang a dream catcher above your bed. Whatever theories or versions of the dream catchers we come across from history, the underlying symbolism and purpose remain the same. Dream catchers have a protective and moral purpose.
If the Native American legend found a way to catch their good dreams and it was a useful way to live a safe life, they used their beliefs to live in peace and fearless.
It is all about a state of mind. Here is a very powerful concept that we should consider, once we catch a good dream we live happily. Let’s learn from this myth to be a Dreams catcher in real life and by applying the Law of Attraction in our journey.
How to be a dreams catcher?
“I have a dream” Sometimes we know what we want but not how to get there.
Here are the most important steps to help you to catch your dreams and attract anything you want. Stay aligned with the Laws of the universe that will help you to manifest your dreams, goals or desires.
1. It is about your mindset.
how Native American think about catching a good dream., as the law of attraction, your thoughts are the key to open the door for opportunities and all the possibilities of getting better in every side in your life.
2. Ignore all negative people and words
Ignore everybody who tries to tell you what to do or think. Follow your instincts and goals.
“Don’t ever let someone tell you, you can’t do something. Not even me. You got a dream, you got to protect it.” -Steven Conrad
A dream is a powerful word and it inspires a lot of people but others feel stuck in their real dreams. Almost all the time our parents told us that we should study hard to finish our school and get our bachelor’s degree only in that way we will have a good job and live well.
There is no space in our life to dream or wish, not only our parents who seed this idea in our mind but the whole society, for generations and generations.
Putting limits everywhere making us incapable to go beyond our ordinary lives. When we grow up and maybe someone of us is lucky to discover the power within him he had never known. Once he knew that, he starts dreaming and dreaming big.
3. We are scared
“All our dreams can come true if we dare to pursue them.” – Walt Disney
There is a reason why most people are not chasing their dreams – They’re scared! A person who fills his mind of fears has no space for dreams.
It might be scary, do not be one of the many, there is nothing scarier than settling for a life, that is less than the one you are capable of living. If you do not go after your passions and your dreams, you are breaking your wings.
Imagine what we could achieve if we gave as much energy to our dreams, as we give to our fears. The moment you focus on your dreams your possibilities become countless. Limits start disappearing and everything starts to change.
4. Willingness to work hard
If you have the willingness, to do whatever it takes to have what you want, it will be the first step to get your dreams to come true, you will be rewarded with an amazing result. So you must do everything to make your dreams into reality no matter how many times you failed. Keep trying till you do it.
Do you the willingness to give up any your lovely habits or to work hard to follow your goals. It is a decision once you take it, you are not just wishing for it, but you should be actively working to make it happen.
Those who are focused on creating change in their lives using the Law of Attraction must take actions and give all of their attention to their dreams.
5. Are you a teachable person?
“The more you learn, the more you earn.”- Warren Buffett
That is true, successful people use their time in the right way that is why they are successful, and because they are lifetime learners. They have a passion for learning new things every single day.
Sometimes we are afraid of doing something it’s because we have a lack of information about it, if you try to know more, you will do it. Or many people give up on their dreams because it gets too hard, so try your best.
Never stop learning. Use your time wisely. Time is precious we never get the time back, therefore use it as best you could.
6. Believe in yourself
because no one else will do!
Stop limiting yourself and never stop believing in yourself. Failure is if you stop tying. Use all your energy to make your dreams into reality.
To get to amazing results you have never got before, you are going to have to do things you have never done before.
The way to have self-confidence is to do the best in everything you do every single day, by this way you feel satisfied and feel successful in small things, because accomplishing big things start with small things. You have a power within you use it in a good way.
Remember that It depends on you only you, it’s your choice to wake up in the morning excited to chase your dreams or go back to sleep and keep dreaming.
Join Tarek Haddad and learn more how you will find the right formula, to help you to attract anything you want in your life e become a dreams catcher.
Our customers reviews
“Personal happiness. Creative fulfillment. Professional success. Freedom from fear. A new promise of JOY. We have the ability at our fingertips to achieve these things. And, in his masterpiece “Rich Mind Poor Mind,” Tarek Haddad shows us how.
For Mr. Haddad, it began with a mindset shift and an airline ticket to the West from his native Jordan where his life had been planned for him from the dawn of time. He dared to envision something different, something bigger than himself. And, he marveled as each one of his visualizations came to fruition.
Join Mr. Haddad on a journey to discovering and implementing The Law of Attraction in your own life and watch your dreams unfold. This book offers the secrets to a well-lived life and it begins with our own thinking.
Inspirational. Motivational. One to keep at your fingertips and refer back to – often – throughout your journey.”
Kathryn TrestainInvestigative Reporter - NHK Enterprises
“A truly inspirational book which will encourage you to reflect on your life and take a deeper look at your inner self. This book will help you to discover what you really want in your life and help you to reach your life goals. In his book, Tarek talks about how his determination in life got him what he wanted, in both his personal and professional life and how he grew both areas bigger and better. He explains how people can improve their everyday lives by applying the law of attraction to attract wealth, health and happiness. I really enjoyed reading this book and would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a life changing perspective.”
JudithPolice dispatcher
“It is an inspiring and eye opening book. Draws attention and motivates the reader. Well done.”
Joe MojtabaVerified buyer - via Amazon
“This is a great book, I enjoyed these profound and extremely practical life experiences.
It is an inspiring and motivational book where you can find a very interesting guide to personal achievements and constructive feedback.
If you need to enact change in your life, this book will be perfect to pull inspiration and tactics from.
I appreciate Tarek for sharing his life experiences and his knowledge to help others to accomplish anything.
It is really powerful and practical way of how to apply the Law Of Attraction in our lives. I highly recommend this book.”
Laila HaddadVerified Buyer - via Amazon
“Usually it takes me month or two to read any book.
Rich mind poor mind it took me three days to finish it, its the deep honest summary for how to be successful in all you life directions, because if you have a rich mind you will know how to creat a rich life.
Great amazing eye opening book.”
Husam Maayah Smith Metal Works
“It’s a very nice, inspiring and encouraging book. It touched me personally as I lived a similar experience as the author. This book will change the way you see the world and you will believe that achieving your dreams is doable.”
Oday AbushalbaqVerified Buyer - via Amazon
“One of the most valuable things about this book is that Tarek gives us a lot of different amazing processes to achieve our goals. No matter where you are, everyone can make it as Tarek did. Everyone should read it“
Moe Sabbah IT Manager
“Rich mind poor mind is one of the most inspirational book I’ve read. As I was reading it, it was hard to stop at certain point!
The way Tarek writes is very engaging and I highly recommend it. Tarek’s journey is an example of how a rich mind can overcome any poor experience we might face while we’re reaching our best course.”
Merna MattaVerified buyer - via Amazon
Our customers reviews
“Personal happiness. Creative fulfillment. Professional success. Freedom from fear. A new promise of JOY. We have the ability at our fingertips to achieve these things. And, in his masterpiece “Rich Mind Poor Mind,” Tarek Haddad shows us how.
For Mr. Haddad, it began with a mindset shift and an airline ticket to the West from his native Jordan where his life had been planned for him from the dawn of time. He dared to envision something different, something bigger than himself. And, he marveled as each one of his visualizations came to fruition.
Join Mr. Haddad on a journey to discovering and implementing The Law of Attraction in your own life and watch your dreams unfold. This book offers the secrets to a well-lived life and it begins with our own thinking.
Inspirational. Motivational. One to keep at your fingertips and refer back to – often – throughout your journey.”
Kathryn TrestainInvestigative Reporter - NHK Enterprises
“A truly inspirational book which will encourage you to reflect on your life and take a deeper look at your inner self. This book will help you to discover what you really want in your life and help you to reach your life goals. In his book, Tarek talks about how his determination in life got him what he wanted, in both his personal and professional life and how he grew both areas bigger and better. He explains how people can improve their everyday lives by applying the law of attraction to attract wealth, health and happiness. I really enjoyed reading this book and would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a life changing perspective.”
JudithPolice dispatcher
“It is an inspiring and eye opening book. Draws attention and motivates the reader. Well done.”
Joe MojtabaVerified buyer - via Amazon
“This is a great book, I enjoyed these profound and extremely practical life experiences.
It is an inspiring and motivational book where you can find a very interesting guide to personal achievements and constructive feedback.
If you need to enact change in your life, this book will be perfect to pull inspiration and tactics from.
I appreciate Tarek for sharing his life experiences and his knowledge to help others to accomplish anything.
It is really powerful and practical way of how to apply the Law Of Attraction in our lives. I highly recommend this book.”
Laila HaddadVerified Buyer - via Amazon
“Usually it takes me month or two to read any book.
Rich mind poor mind it took me three days to finish it, its the deep honest summary for how to be successful in all you life directions, because if you have a rich mind you will know how to creat a rich life.
Great amazing eye opening book.”
Husam Maayah Smith Metal Works
“It’s a very nice, inspiring and encouraging book. It touched me personally as I lived a similar experience as the author. This book will change the way you see the world and you will believe that achieving your dreams is doable.”
Oday AbushalbaqVerified Buyer - via Amazon
“One of the most valuable things about this book is that Tarek gives us a lot of different amazing processes to achieve our goals. No matter where you are, everyone can make it as Tarek did. Everyone should read it“
Moe Sabbah IT Manager
“Rich mind poor mind is one of the most inspirational book I’ve read. As I was reading it, it was hard to stop at certain point!
The way Tarek writes is very engaging and I highly recommend it. Tarek’s journey is an example of how a rich mind can overcome any poor experience we might face while we’re reaching our best course.”
Merna MattaVerified buyer - via Amazon
What ever happiness means to you!

The Power Is Within Us
Beyond the walls of belief there is a whole different world, and there is a potential power within us.
From the begining, even our forefathers knew that we have the power within us. In a Native American parable, the creator gathers all the animals and says: ”I want to hide something from humans until they are ready for it – the realization that they create their own reality“.
“Give it to me. I’ll fly it to the moon.”
Says the eagle.
“No, one day soon they will go there and find it.
“How about the bottom of the ocean?”
Says the salmon
“No they will find it there too.”
“I will bury it in the great plains,”
Says the buffalo.
“They will soon dig and find it there.”
“Put it inside them, says the wise grandmother mole”
“Done, says the creator, it is the last place they will look.”
The Hidden Value Behind our Mind.
Life is based on the law of belief and belief could be summed up briefly as a thought in our mind, as a person thinks, feels, and believes.
So is the condition of our mind, body, and circumstances. Mindpower is one of the strongest powers we possess. This power consists of our thoughts. The thoughts that pass through our mind are responsible for everything that happens in our life.
our predominant thoughts influence our behaviour and attitude and control our actions and reactions.
Beliefs work both ways …
Disbelief is a negative power. When the mind disbelieves or doubts, the mind attracts “reasons” to support the disbelief, and the subconscious will fail, and the not wanting to succeed, is responsible for most failures.
“The more you know yourself, the more clarity there is. Self-knowledge has no end – you don’t come to an achievement, you don’t come to a conclusion. It is an endless river.” Jiddu Krishnamurti
Our desires and beliefs are only thoughts, Our thoughts are aligned with universal laws, and we should know that our mind doesn’t think in words… it thinks in pictures, images, and movies.
The words we use are translated into images/movies by the mind. When we say “red car”, our mind shows us a picture of a red car.
When we say “water”, “pool”, our mind translates these words into pictures of water, a pool, and we have to be careful how to use our words because words are powerful, they emphasize and help us to manifest what we want, but the most important thing that we have to feel it in our being, therefore, our desire is the beginning of all attraction and the beginning of the creation of our life.
So we need to use positive words when we are talking about anything or about other people, because you will create pleasant pictures about other people and about ourselves or anything we want.
Is it our mind who creates our own future?
The brain is a transmitter and receiver of energy. Our brains transmit frequencies at different levels. The human brain also can emit a vibration with the same amount of power no matter the distance it is being transmitted.
In fact, mind energy is the most powerful thing on earth as it cannot be blocked, it also has the capacity to affect physical matter. We live in a sea of energy. Some are aware of this energy but most people are unaware of it, however, everyone is affected by it.
It’s like mathematics we should understand the basics then apply it. Once we believe in this law, we will start to manifest everything we want.
The Power of Thoughts is a Creative Power, so train and strengthen this power, and you can also positively influence other people’s minds.
If you plant seeds, water them, and give them fertilizers, they will grow into healthy and strong plants.
Thoughts, like seeds, have a natural tendency to grow and manifest in our life, if we feed them with attention, interest and enthusiasm, our thoughts pass from our conscious mind to our subconscious mind, which in turn, influences our actions in accordance with these thoughts.
Do you believe that we have a power within us.
Everybody has the power within themselves to achieve whatever they desire. Once we understand that all humans are made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies, we can move to the next level to learn more about The Law of Attraction.Our minds are a powerful tool that when put to good use can bring us happiness, success and whatever we desire. So how do we use this power it depends on us
This power consists of our thoughts so be careful of what we think of, because it determines the kind of life we live and the experiences we meet. To make changes in our life, we have to choose thoughts that we like more.
“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.”
– Henry Ford
So, before we can achieve any goal in life, we must first BELIEVE that we can make it happen.
The amazing and miracle power is in our subconscious mind, it’s free and we don’t need to acquire it, it is already within us -just learn how to use it but, first of all, at least understand it, therefore we can apply it in all sides of our life. Our brain is our way to live happily.
We are the only person who can give permission to invite thoughts to stay in our mind, so pick a good and positive thought. It’s our choice.

Using the Law of attraction in action !
How I used the Law of attraction, visualization and action to give Dan Pena The From Gift.
I wrote on a piece of paper that morning that I will give Dan a gift no matter what are the circumstances !!!
It was the London Real Summit Back in October 2019.
when I went to the stage I went up the stage closed my eyes and visualized that I am going to hand Dan the Frog.
at around 3PM Dan was scheduled for his talk on the stage.
Around 330 he mentioned he dose not take gift from NO ONE
but around 3:50PM I was able to go on stage and Hand him the gift as you can see in this video .
That is the power of the law of attraction, visualization and action.

Using the Law of attraction in action !

How I used the Law of attraction, visualization and action to give Dan Pena The From Gift.
I wrote on a piece of paper that morning that I will give Dan a gift no matter what are the circumstances !!!
It was the London Real Summit Back in October 2019.
when I went to the stage I went up the stage closed my eyes and visualized that I am going to hand Dan the Frog.
at around 3PM Dan was scheduled for his talk on the stage.
Around 330 he mentioned he dose not take gift from NO ONE
but around 3:50PM I was able to go on stage and Hand him the gift as you can see in this video .
That is the power of the law of attraction, visualization and action.
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My hope is that you’ll love this book and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come. Yet with all that said, you need to..